Vaughn is at Performance!
Due to all our hard work, positive climate and high standards our students have risen to the occasion and Vaughn is now for the first time a PERFORMANCE School. We have received a banner that will be placed at the front of the school for all to see! Thank you to all our families who have stuck by us; our students who have demonstrated perseverance and hard work will lead you to success; our staff who are dedicated to giving our students the best care and education we can offer and last but not least our Administrators - Jen Dichter, Principal and Jenn Thomas - Asst. Principal who lead Vaughn to be a Performance school in 1 year!
Vaughn Students are Safe, Organized, Accountable and Respectful!
Vaughn Student Council was asked to visit the March 20th Board of Education Meeting. The students did a beautiful presentation on what they as a group have done to promote leadership, stewardship and school pride. They also showed a few movies starring themselves that promoted the four qualities of being a good Eagle which are:
These students are the perfect example of these four qualities which also makes them the perfect choice for representing Vaughn Elementary Students. Check out the video they showed the School Board members!
We are Soaring to Excellence!