Student Recognition

Vaughn Elementary is proud to recognize students demonstrating great behavior and by partnering with two organizations who value reaching out to our school community we are making sure to do so on an on-going basis


Students Earn their Wings!

It's important that students are here every day, all day! Excessive excused absences will be monitored as well. We will make every effort to work with our families because it is important that we work together to ensure the success of our students.

All staff will be looking out for students who demonstrate the following behaviors to earn their wings: Respectful, Responsible and Safe. When students are caught being kind or helpful and following school expectations for safety they will be awarded their wings by a staff member.

Daily: Students will be given a "Wings" sticker to wear throughout the day and they will be taking home their ticket to share their success at home with you. Please make sure to acknowledge their success. By doing so you will be partnering with the school to ensure students are successful and happy!

Weekly: During morning announcements on Friday students will get a Vaughn t-shirt for the day and have their picture taken and placed in the "hall of fame"

Monthly: Teachers will be recognizing students who are Flying above & Beyond Vaughn's Expectations. Students will receive positive office referrals. Those that earn a positive office referral will be invited to "Popcorn with the Principals" at the end of each month.

Quarterly: School-Wide Assembly in which students' names will be drawn from ALL tickets accumulated during the current quarter and students who earned the most Eagle wings will be recognized.

Kiwanis LogoThe Kiwanis Club of Aurora has partnered with Vaughn for many years in recognizing students for their hard work towards becoming good readers and writers. They know that our students will be the future leaders of our world and they feel it is their duty and privilege to encourage these students to continue to work hard towards the goal of continuing their education so they can be great leaders. Students are nominated by their teachers for the Terrific Readers and Writers Award. They are then honored in a small ceremony with their parents in attendance. There they receive a certificate of achivement, a free book and top it off with donuts and milk. Students are honored quarterly.